Google Knol Is Not Wikipedia... Learn The Trick That Use The Wikis Information To Turn Your Knol Into A Killer Information Resource!
Before you start shooting at me thinking that I'm advising you to copy or duplicate Wikipedia articles you need read the rest of this post... First, I'm completely against copying and duplicating content from any source not just the wikis, for five reasons:
- Is unethical.
- Is illegal.
- Is bad for SEO.
- Lower your credibility.
- And make you look stupid.
Now that I got those ideas out of the way let's proceed to "The Wikipedia Add On Trick" to create unique remarkable content for Google Knol. Yes, you are going to use the wikis articles in a different way that doesn't involve duplication or anything like that, I already said how bad it is for business, online or offline. What you need to know that wikipedia is your competition, because they also trying to gain attention from your target audience to get web authority, but what you need to know is that they are a friendly competition. I said this because you need you are going to use some coopetition marketing strategies (an adult industry marketing tactic) to let the wikis help you in your path to ultimate web authority.
There Is No Trick.
No trick here just pure old fashion Internet marketing that works. Well, the strategy is base on a few step that if done right can help you succeed on creating an original and useful Knol page that will not only get top search engine results, but also will be remarkable enough to generate link baiting and viral marketing effects all by itself.
The Secret: The "Wikipedia Add On Trick" or secret is the strategy to use online encyclopedias as a starting point of content research, not to be use on your Knol, but to analyze their information find it's weaknesses and build a better information page adding everything that the wiki users forgot to add. Also Google content management system let you go after the long tails which you can use to build a knol page for each weakness you found on your competitors sites. Plus, is going to help you educate your reader about the basics. This is a coopetition marketing technique that I adjust for Knol.
Here are the steps:
1.- The Truth: Before we go to the action steps you need to learn what is Wikis all about. As a dictionary wikis provide more information than just a good definitions, and sometimes doesn't do it right. Wikis are people generate encyclopedias that offer insights about a topic that helps beginners learn "what is" of almost anything, but the information is basic focus only on beginners. And their resources aren't the best you can find, and many subject are lost in the no updates pile. All this represents a huge opportunity for experts and people with a lot of knowledge and research time to take it to the next level.
2.- Find Relevant Wikis: Do a search on any of the top online encyclopedias and make a list of at least 10 topics that are closely relevant with your skill or niche market to start your research. I say only 10 because you are going to need time to read each page for analysis.
3.- The Hot List: Now you need to read each page and make a list of everything you know or think is missing, can be improve, needs update, or is incorrect. This list is the one that is going to help you develop your content and gain web authority.
4.- Time To Work Out: OK, you have a good list of possible hot sub-topics that you are going to use to create content... but, the key here is to create unique useful content that is also remarkable so your Knol becomes spreadable. So, now is time to do an intensive research to gain more knowledge of the topic, get a list of facts, statistics, tools, and really useful resources.
5.- Do This Now, You Will Thank Me Later: After a good research you need to have a good amount of tips and quality information about each sub-topic. What you are going to do is make a list of the best tips that offer a real solution to a problem, at least 20, but more it's even better, I personally recommend you have 40. Put this list to the side, for now.
6.- Cool Pics: To make your information appeal better with your readers is good to use nice quality pictures or images that are relevant to your article or show a demonstration of whatever your topic is about. Look through free photos recourses and find some good images, and use at least one or two per article. Note: Bad picture will kill your Knol.
7.- Making Your Meal: Is time to sit and start typing or writing your content, now that you have all that research information in time to put together some high quality and original Knol pages. Remember the list of tips I told you to put on the side, well is time to use it... you are going to take 1 or 2 good tips and add it to your content always closed to the end. And explain each tip in complete details, to make it as useful as possible. What about the rest of the tips? Just bare with me, I getting there.
8.- Be Interactive: Now is time to add some video marketing to your Google Knol authority campaign mix. Lets take 2 or 3 more tips from the hot list, and make a detail video content for each tip I recommend you to make it viral, and then uploaded to as many online video sharing directories as you can find. When uploading is a good idea to use good white hat SEO for video. Then add links to the videos using your target keywords as the anchor, you can have the videos after the tips area or in the middle of your content. Remember to mention the videos at the beginning so readers know what else is there.
9.- Be The Resource: One thing that makes Wikipedia so popular is that they are a one stop information spot, and that's why you need to do the same but better, adding video is a big step, now you need to do some blogging. No, you are not going to make a bunch of spam blogs to link back to your page, what you need to do is create one good blog where you are going to post news related to your topic not the sub-topic... yes, you can create a news blog for each topic or sub-topic but you will be posting like is not other tomorrow. Remember, blogging takes time. So, one for the main topic or niche is good enough, just make sure is up to date and write the news in your own words, don't copy and paste. Then add your news blog as one of the main resources. Also, link to your Knol pages from the content, using your main page keyword.
10.- Pass The Virus: Let's get back to the list of tips... now you are going to take 5 tips, then write 2 digital reports or ebooks (step 11 explain why 2) that will provide extra useful and spreadable content for your Knol readers by asking them to down load the viral ebook at the end of your article for then to get even more tips. Remember to link to your Knol pages and your news blog from your ebook.
11.- Why Two: Well, like I said one viral ebook is to provide more information to your readers, let them share it with others. The second one is to promote your first ebook using digital information product directories... You need to write report pointing at the mistakes 10 mistakes that your tips from your Knol page, your videos, and your first ebook will solve.
12.- Let's Copy: You are going to copy and paste the definition phrase from wikipedia and quoted on your Knol pages, and put a link back to the source. Also add their topic URL as one of your resources, not clickable. Note: Don't like directly to the Wiki page of the topic, you need to link back to Wikipidea home page.
And done! I hope you found this strategy useful. Please share your Knol in my comments.
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Yours truly,
Luis Galarza.
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